Last night, before I put my head on my pillow, I glanced at the trending tab on Twitter.
Surprisingly, the top news story was about my beloved state of Kansas and the vote Tuesday on abortion.
For the past few weeks, in almost every conversation with friends and family, we have devoted a few minutes to the "Yes/No"controversy; however, I had not fully realized the entire nation is eager to learn the outcome of the Kansas vote as a litmus test on this issue.

Of course, we all feel differently and I hesitate to touch on this topic with a ten-foot poll; however, I woke up this morning thinking about the old book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus by John Gray and I feel like I must say something.
The book was written in the early 90s and I am not sure it holds up very well today, but the idea that men and women are aliens to each other is fascinating and worth a revisit.
For those of us who did not pay attention much to science class - here is a visual aid.

Mars is the fourth planet in the Milky Way and Venus is the second. Earth is in between the two and Pluto is still out there, but some people say it no longer qualifies.
That is about all I know.
If there were such things as Martians and Venusians they would probably look different, speak differently, and have different values. Martians would have different needs and ways of survival than people who live on the planet, Venus.
If I was a Martian, I don't think I would have the right to tell a Venusian what to do and visa versa.
Or, am I missing something?
I know. Putin, and Russians, are trying to tell Ukrainians what to do and this sort of thing has been going on for eons. It is human nature to think you know better than your neighbor.
But, do we ever learn that this never works out well?
Pope Francis just spent an entire week in Canada apologizing for what his ancestors told another"planet" to do. Was that on the news quiz this week? Did anyone pay attention?

You stick to Mars, Pluto, Venus, Saturn, or the Sun and I will stick to my planet.
Let's respect each other and not step on each other's toes.
As the book subtitle says, let's learn how to communicate and get what we both want from the relationship.
You’re not missing a thing. Thanks for posting.