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Yoga: My New Passion

Note to my readers: I told myself when I started blogging, I wanted to post once per week. I missed last week, so I hope to post twice this week - FYI.

Retirement is amazing; however, it truly is a busy time in my life keeping up with all my activities.

A friend of mine told me to experiment and play with a variety of activities until I find something that I am passionate about. I joined the Overland Park Community Garden and I enjoyed gardening in my tiny space, but I wasn’t excited to go there each time. I have dabbled with the paintbrush, and I would like to take some lessons, but it is not calling me each day.

Of course, I love to travel and I will continue to travel as much as I can afford, but in the meantime, I plan to focus on three areas:

writing, reading, and yoga.

I discovered yoga many years ago, but I only attended a class about once per week. Now, that my schedule has opened up I am able to "practice" my yoga at least three times per week. My yoga skills are improving and I am even doing some yoga at home in my spare room. I feel motivated and passionate about yoga and that was what I was looking for in a new hobby.

So here is a bit of information about the different types of yoga.

“Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts that describe the two relative qualities present in everything. Yin is more internal, passive, cooling, and downward. Yang is more external, dynamic, warming, and upward.

When these terms are applied in yoga, Yin Yoga is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer. It works on the deep, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints in the body. Yang Yoga, in contrast, refers to a more active practice. This works on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina, and flexibility. Yang styles of yoga are those with rhythm and repetition like Vinyasa Flow.”

(I taught Taoism in my World Literature class and found the author Lao Tzu who wrote the Tao Te Ching to be a fascinating person.)

I feel very fortunate to have many good instructors at the Lifetime gym where I belong. They really care about the wellness of each member of the class and offer wonderful instruction. I have been going to a Yin Yoga class called Surrender for many years. It helps me to stretch and relax and it is not very difficult. I have now expanded to Root which includes more activity -Yang - down dogs and the like and I am attempting a Flow class which will take it up another Yang notch.

It feels good to be stepping up my game and I feel myself getting stronger and more flexible.

I stumbled upon a quote the other day by Ganga White that said “Yoga doesn’t take time - it gives time” and I feel like this is so true.

By working on my yoga practice each day, I feel like it expands my day and gives me more time to entertain other activities and hobbies.

Here are a couple of resources if you want to learn more about Yoga.

Yoga Journal




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